print('Habits Copyright © 2017
Version: 0.1
Author: Christopher Chen
import time
import winsound
import random
print('Welcome to Habits! Here, Habits will remind you to take breaks after long work
periods and help you develop good habits.')
ListOfActivities = ['Drink some water, and take a restroom break.', 'Do 2 sets of 10 pushups!', 'Stand up, walk outside, and walk around for a while.', 'Massage you eyes, and meditate.']
start = str(input('Please get ready to choose a ringtone. Also, adjust your speakers to a tolerable
rate, so the ringtone won't be too loud.
Listen carefully in order to hear. When you are ready, just press ENTER.
for ringtone in range(1,6):
print('Here is ringtone ' + str(ringtone) + ':')
ringtone = 'sms-alert-' + str(ringtone) + '-daniel_simon.wav'
winsound.PlaySound(ringtone, winsound.MB_OK)
if ringtone != 5:
hear = input('Enter R if you want to replay the sound, if you do not want to replay the
sound, then just enter nothing.
while hear == 'R':
winsound.PlaySound(ringtone, winsound.MB_OK)
hear = input('Enter R if you want to replay the sound, if you do not want to replay the
sound, then just enter nothing.
ringtone = str(input('Please choose one of the ringtones. Enter either 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5.
while ringtone != '1' and ringtone != '2' and ringtone != '3' and ringtone != '4' and ringtone != '5':
ringtone = str(input('That input is not in the choices.
Please choose one of the ringtones. Enter either 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5.
ringtone = 'sms-alert-' + str(ringtone) + '-daniel_simon.wav'
time_split = input('Which of the following time plans do you want?
A) 30 minutes of work & 30 minutes of rest
B) 35 minutes of work & 25 minutes of rest
C) 40 minutes of work & 20 minutes of rest
D) 45 minutes of work & 15 minutes of rest
E) 50 minutes of work & 10 minutes of rest.
Please choose A, B, C, D, or E.
while time_split.upper() != 'A' and time_split.upper() != 'B' and time_split.upper() != 'C' and time_split.upper() != 'D' and time_split.upper() != 'E':
time_split = input('That input is not valid.
Which of the following time plans do you want?
A) 30 minutes of work & 30 minutes of rest
B) 35 minutes of work & 25 minutes of rest
C) 40 minutes of work & 20 minutes of rest
D) 45 minutes of work & 15 minutes of rest
E) 50 minutes of work & 10 minutes of rest.
Please choose A, B, C, D, or E.
if time_split.upper() == 'A':
time_time = 30
if time_split.upper() == 'B':
time_time = 35
if time_split.upper() == 'C':
time_time = 40
if time_split.upper() == 'D':
time_time = 45
if time_split.upper() == 'E':
time_time = 50
while True:
print('Time to Work!! ' + time.asctime().split()[3])
activity = random.randrange(len(ListOfActivities))
winsound.PlaySound(ringtone, winsound.MB_OK)
print(ListOfActivities[activity] + ' ' + time.asctime().split()[3])
time.sleep(60*(60 - time_time))
winsound.PlaySound(ringtone, winsound.MB_OK)
Healthy Sitting Habits Program